Presentation Evaluation Rubric

Content (40%)

The goal of the presentation is to explain to others the topic you investigated, including the questions you hoped to answer, your results, and any lessons you learned from carrying out the study. For instance, you should explain the dataset you used, why it is (or isn't) appropriate to answer the broader questions of interest. You should also include relevant summary plots and tables that explain what is found by the data. Finally, if applicable, please include any ``lessons learned'' from carrying out the project that your classmates may find useful (e.g., overcoming a particular struggle in R, cleaning a dataset, joining datasets).

Manner (40%)

Your talk should be presented well. Here are some criteria:

Structure (20%)

Your talk should have a conventional structure with a beginning, middle and end. At the beginning, you should introduce yourself, state what your topic is, and generally prepare your audience for what is to come. At the end, you should thank the audience for their attention and respond to any questions there may be. If you are working with a partner, then do you and your partner share the stage well, each getting a chance to speak? Do you make smooth transitions from one to the other?

Distance students who turn in presentation slides only will be evaluated on content and structure alone.

(Note that these guidelines are adapted from guidelines used in CS110 at Wellesley College.)